LERA 77th Annual Meeting June 12-15, 2025 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Westin Seattle, Seattle, WA
"Promoting Authentic Dialogue in Polarized Times"
Plan now to attend the LERA 77th Annual Meeting, June 12-15, 2025, in Seattle, WA! The program will feature four days of intense learning and skill building at over 80 workshops, and sessions, along with more than 350 diverse presenters from every community focused on “promoting authentic dialogue in polarized times.”
Build your networks and knowledge with managers, unions, researchers, public policy, and agency staff from throughout the U.S. and abroad. Return home with value added for your organization and your job.
Take part in practical workshops, join debates on the latest applied research topics, and hear from experts on how their companies, organizations, and unions have successfully navigated workplace issues critical to success.
Registration will open February 2025. All participants and attendees must register, including speakers and discussants (chairs, panelists, presenters, speakers, discussants, etc.). The early-bird registration deadline is March 25, 2025. Online registration will be open through May xx, 2025.
Registration • Hotel • Program • Featured Speakers and Special Events • Regional Chapter Meeting • Student Consortium • Jr. Faculty Consortium • Award Winners • Organizations • Featured Speakers • Program Committee • Participant Information • Sponsors

Registration is online and will open February 2025! All participants and attendees must register, including speakers and discussants (chairs, panelists, presenters, speakers, discussants, etc.). The early-bird registration deadline is March 25, 2025. Online registration will be open through May xx, 2025. After that, onsite registration will be offered at the LERA headquarters hotel. Onsite registration will open at 7 am on the opening day of the conference and at 8 am on the second, third, and fourth days of the conference.
National LERA Member
| Non-member |
Early Bird Rates (open - March 25) |
Full Meeting - $385 Student/Apprentice - $231 Emeritus - $270 1 day - $250 |
Full Meeting - $605 1 day - $470 |
Standard Rates (March 26 - May 2) |
Full Meeting - $473 Student/Apprentice - $284 Emeritus - $331 1 day - $307 |
Full Meeting - $693 1 day - $527 |
Late Rates (May 3 - June 6) |
Full Meeting - $561 Student/Apprentice - $337 Emeritus - $393 1 day - $365 |
Full Meeting - $781 1 day - $585 |
Onsite Rates (June 7 - June 15) |
Full Meeting - $650 Student/Apprentice - $390 Emeritus - $455 1 day - $423 |
Full Meeting - $870 1 day - $643 |
The LERA Hotel is The Westin Seattle, located at 1900 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101, USA. The discounted room rate of $265 is available through Tuesday, May 20, 2025, or until the room block fills up.
Complete details on reserving your room will be available when registration opens.

coming soon
Saturday, June 14, 2025 |
LERA 27th Annual PhD Student Consortium
The LERA 27th Annual PhD Student Consortium co-chairs, Kwon Hee Han (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Deepa Kylasam Iyer (Cornell University), Akierah Binns (University of Guelph), Tinu Mathew (York University) have organized a program aimed at PhD Students in the field of LER titled "Navigating Polarization as a Junior Academic in Labor Relations"! The consortium will meet from 8:30 - 11:15 am, Saturday, June 14, 2025. To register for this event, you must first register for the LERA 77th Annual Meeting, and indicate on the registration form that you plan to attend the PhD Student Consortium.
For program and complete information, please visit: http://lera.memberclicks.net/phd-student-consortium-2025.
The 2025 consortium is sponsored by contributions from:
Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations Florida International University, College of Business Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management and IWER Michigan State University, School or Human Resources and Labor Relations Pennsylvania State University, School of Labor and Employment Relations Rutgers University, School of Management and Labor Relations The Industrial Relations Section at Princeton University University of Toronto, Center for Industrial Relations and Human Resources University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Labor & Employment Relations University of Minnesota, Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies
LERA 7th Annual Jr. Faculty Consortium
The LERA 7th Annual Jr. Faculty Consortium co-chairs, Gregory Lyon (Georgetown University) and Michael Maffie (Cornell University) have organized a program especially for Jr. Faculty! The consortium will meet from 2 - 4:15 am, Saturday, June 14, 2025. To register for this event, you must first register for the LERA 77th Annual Meeting, and indicate on the registration form that you plan to attend the Jr. Faculty Consortium.
For program and complete information, please visit: https://lera.memberclicks.net/lera-77th-am-7th-jr-faculty-consortium-2025.
Sunday, June 15, 2025 |
Seattle Mariners v. Cleveland Guardians
Baseball game networking event (Seattle Mariners v. Cleveland Guardians), Sunday, June 15, first pitch TBA (it should be early afternoon, but the time is not yet released). Tickets in the LERA block are expected to be $108 (unless we are able to pick up a sponsor), and our seating is in section 241. Come network with other LERA members and enjoy T-Mobile Park and the Seattle Mariners.

If you are participating in this meeting as a session chair, paper presenter, a panelist, a speaker, a discussant, or poster presenter, there is information that you will need to reference throughout the next several months, and after the meeting is complete.

For complete details, visit: https://leraweb.org/participant-information-2025

Program Committee Chair: John Budd, Univ. of MN and LERA President-Elect
Practitioner Vice Chair: Beth Schindler, FMCS Academic Vice Chair: Erin Kelly, MIT
Candace Archer, AFL-CIO Holland Atkinson, Hennepin County Kate Bahn, Institute for Women's Policy Research Matthew Capece, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America Rassandra Cody, Kaiser Permanente Rebecca Dixon, National Employment Law Project Jack Fiorito, Florida State University
Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College Tazewell Hurst, IAMAW Enrique Lopezlira, University of California, Berkeley David Madland, Center for American Progress Mark Pearce, Georgetown Law Center Lionel Sims, Kaiser Permanente Christy Yoshitomi, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
Ex-officio Members of the Program Committee:
Jim Pruitt, President Helen Liu, Editor-in-Chief William Canak, NCAC Chair Hye Jin Rho, Poster Session Chair Andrew Weaver, Secretary/Treasurer Administrator: Emily Smith, LERA (non-voting)

LERA Sustaining Sponsors
International Union UAW Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
LERA Major University Sponsors
Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor RelationsUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, School of Labor & Employment RelationsRutgers University, School of Management and Labor RelationsThe Industrial Relations Section at Princeton UniversityUniversity of Minnesota, Center for Human Resources and Labor StudiesPennsylvania State University, School of Labor and Employment RelationsMichigan State University, School or Human Resources and Labor RelationsMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Institute for Work and Employment Research
Florida International University, College of Business
Iron Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Diversity and Inclusion Sponsor