Chapter Letter, November 2015 Contains letter from Bill Canak, Chair of the NCAC, with information about submitting chapter award nominations and chapter events that will take place at the next LERA 68th Annual Meeting, May 26-29, 2015, Minneapolis, MN, as well as proposed updates to LERA bylaws to increase chapter representation in the LERA Executive Board.
Chapters Listserv Email, September 13, 2012 - PayPal HERE PayPal HERE allows you to accept Chapter funds anywhere.
Chapters Listserv Email, October 31, 2011 - Redirects Are Here Email linked to instructions to add a redirect to a LERA Chapter Website.
Chapters Letter, September 2011 Contains letter from Bill Canak, Chair of the NCAC, and Bonnie Castrey, Vice-Chair of the NCAC, inviting Chapters to LERA's 64th Annual Meeting in Chicago, and announcing 1) the new independent Annual Meeting format that will begin in 2013, 2) the new dues schedule, 3) and new Chapter Resources including Web Site Hosting, PayPal, Webforms, and asking Chapters to submit their Chapter Merit Award nominations by Oct. 15.
Chapters Listserv Email, August 23, 2011 - PayPal Is Here Email linked to instructions to setup LERA Chapters to accept online payments using PayPal.
Chapters Listserv Email, August 3, 2011 - Chapter Handbook Updated Email linked to the updated LERA Chapter Handbook.
Chapters Listserv Email, July 28, 2011 - Website Hosting Service This email announced LERA's Website hosting service for LERA Chapters, linked to example Chapter sites, and to relevant web editing tutorials to create pages, calendar events, and more.
Chapters Listserv Email, July 20, 2011 - Social Media Resources This email pointed to the resources online for Facebook groups and pages as well as LinkedIn groups for LERA Chapters. Also, see links to existing LERA social groups as examples.
Chapters Letter, April 2011 This email asked for the contact information for each Chapter's Webmaster and to add national staff to Chapter Listservs or email distribution lists. It also updated Chapters on our progress with electronic tools (web hosting, event calendars, etc.)
Chapters Letter, November 2010 Contains letter to LERA Chapter from NCAC Chair Bill Banak and NCAC Vice-Chair Bonnie Castrey discussing LERA's 63rd Annual Meeting in Colorado, invitation to Chapter Reps meeting there, introduction to alternative Annual Meeting architecture and Chapter dues increases being explored, the Conflict of Interest Policy, the LERA Certification initiative, re-design of the LERA website and new electronic tools. Attachments included Web Instructions for Chapter Webmasters, and the LERA Conflict of Interest Policy.
Chapters Email, May 2010 This email from Eileen Appelbaum, LERA 2010 President, updates Chapters on current developments with LERA that increase the links between LERA and local LERA Chapters including the certification initiative and the re-design the LERA Annual Meeting, and requests feedback from the LERA Chapters and the NCAC with recommendations and suggestions.
Chapters Letter, February 2010 Contains letter to Chapters, synopsis of events at 62nd Annual Meeting in Atlanta and the Chapter Representatives meeting that took place there, an introduction to new electronic tools for Chapters, the IRS Conflict of Interest Policies, membership promotion for LERA Chapter Officers, LERA 2009 Chapter Awards, the creation of the Nittanny Chapter at Penn State, and an introduction to the LERA Certification initiative. Attachments included the Conflict of Interest Policy, the Chapter Award Nomination Form, Chapter Awards Criteria and the LERA Membership Brochure.
Chapters Letter, Semptember 2009 This letter supplied Chapters with registration and logistical information to attend the LERA 62nd Annual Meeting in Atlanta, and invited them to attend the NCAC and Chapter Representatives meeting to be held there. Also enclosed wsa the latest Perspectives on Work and the Chapter Awards Nomination Form, and free meetings materials were made available including name badges and lanyards.
Chapters Letter, May 2009 This letter was an invitation to attend the 8th National Policy Forum in DC in June of 2011.
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