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To create a PayPal account for your Chapt er to accept online payments, please establish who at your Chapter will be responsible for the PayPal account (Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, President, etc.?) and submit the following information. Please note that the email address you submit here will be used by PayPal for all their communications to you.
PayPal has now introduced PayPal Here, which is a free card swipe device that will work with your iPhone or iPad to take payments anywhere, for 2.7%.
When you are ready to begin your PayPal account, send the following information to [email protected]:
- My LERA Chapter Name
- Name of contact individual for PayPal account
- Contact's email address
- Contact's phone number
- Contact's complete mailing address
Confidentiality and Security
Please note that you will never supply LERA with confidential banking information -- this is securely held in your PayPal account only. PayPal will allow your members and other customers to be assured that their information is being transmitted safely online as well.
- See more at: http://www.leraweb.org/paypal-lera-chapters#sthash.0C1m1kPP.dpuf
Confidentiality and Security
Please note that you will never supply LERA with confidential banking information -- this is securely held in your PayPal account only. PayPal will allow your members and other customers to be assured that their information is being transmitted safely online as well.