Pre-conference Day – June 12, 2019 LERA 71st Annual Meeting, June 13-16, 2019, Cleveland, Ohio Westin Cleveland Downtown, 777 St. Clair Avenue NE, Cleveland, OH 44114
We encourage you to attend this pre-conference training. If you register for the pre-conference training when you register for the LERA 71st Annual Meeting, you will receive a deep discount. But you may register for the pre-conference training alone, should you prefer to do so; you will find it on our events registration form at the below link.
EVENT ONLY REGISTRATION: https://lera.memberclicks.net/annual-meeting-events-2019
The Dispute Resolution Interest section of LERA is pleased to announce an arbitration training seminar for aspiring or newer arbitrators interested in exploring how to commence and grow a career as a neutral. This three (3) hour program will feature the basics of establishing an arbitration practice plus an opportunity to interactively obtain guidance from a panel of five (5) highly experienced labor and employment presenting arbitrators.
This June 12, 2019 seminar will be at the Westin Cleveland Downtown (OH) hotel from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. which is the pre-conference day abutting LERA's Annual Meeting set for June 13-16. Tuition for the training seminar is $150.00 if attended separately from LERA's 71st Annual Meeting, but only $30 if registering for the LERA 71st Annual Meeting (attendee must be registered on the LERA 71st Annual Meeting Registration form to receive the discount).
Anyone contemplating or curious about launching or furthering a career as an impartial third party arbitrator, mediator or fact-finder should consider attending this unique program. The presenting neutrals on this panel have been selected for their wide array of experience in labor-management grievance arbitration, non-union (ad hoc or employment) arbitration as well as public sector interest arbitration and have over 25 years or more experience each as full-time neutrals from diverse professional backgrounds.
- Mitchell Goldberg, NAA
(Cincinnati & Cleveland)
- David W. Stanton, NAA
(Louisville, KY)
- Susan Grody Ruben, NAA
(Cleveland & Chicago)
- Clarence Rogers, Esq.
(Florida & Cleveland)
- Gregory P. Szuter, NAA
Moderator: Dennis E. Minni, NAA (Cleveland & Chicago)
Scope of instruction:
An interactive seminar aimed at newer arbitrators or persons contemplating entering practice as a neutral in labor-management grievance arbitration, employment arbitration, or interest arbitration as a Fact Finder, Mediator, or Conciliator.
Modern ADR has its roots in 17th century European commercial marine shipping. What appealed to merchants back then -- use of industry savvy expert decision-makers, economy, and efficiency (vs. court and appellate procedures) -- continues to find favor with labor-management grievance and interest advocates. The exigencies of WWII brought ADR into broader usage which led to its post-war continuation which was subsequently blessed by the U.S. Supreme Court's Trilogy in the early 1960s. Domestic and international commercial arbitration continues today while "non-union" or employment arbitration along with public sector interest arbitration have seen wider use in North America.
Discussion topics:
- Deciding to launch a career as a neutral.
- Is there a "preferred" background for success as an arbitrator? What has worked for others and what has not led to sustained acceptability as a neutral?
- Credentials and licensing: is there a fail safe background?
- Life as a neutral.
- The impact of technological change and human interaction.
- The important role of designating agencies -- who they are and how do they function?
- Your "grand reveal" initially holding oneself out as a neutral.
- Regional differences for arbitration practitioners -- do they matter in the digital age?
- Advertising -- warranted or an ineffective "loss leader"?
- Business addresses: What makes sense for your practice?
- Volunteering as a promotional tool: teaching, seminar planning and presentation, bar association programs, professional organizations, blogging and public speaking.
- Getting listed and maintaining your listings: do's and don'ts.
- Private panel appointments -- keeping your expectations realistic.
- Spousal/family career support mechanisms or impediments to acceptability?
- Continuing your "other work" or clientele -- what's the risk?
- Setting your fee and associated cost levels.
- Overhead costs -- your practice's "silent partner"
The workshop will conclude with a Q and A session with the panelists.