COVID-19 Webinar Series


The Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) is hosting a series of webinars on "Labor and Employment Relations During the COVID-19 Pandemic."

These will all be on Thursdays at or around mid-day New York time, hosted by a mix of LERA Industry Councils, Interest Sections, and Local Chapters. The one-hour facilitated sessions will begin with brief comments by leading experts (5 minutes each), followed by open forum dialogue. The overarching aim is to deepen understanding and appreciation for the breadth of labor and employment relations matters during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The outreach to launch these sessions began with the leadership of the Industry Councils, Interest Sections, and Local Chapters. In some cases, we have gone beyond these categories, but they continue to be the point of departure for our planning.

LERA COVID-19 Webinar Organizing Group

Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Brandeis University, LERA Industry Council/Interest Section Coordinating Committee Chair
Wilma Liebman, NLRB (former), incoming LERA President-Elect
William Canak, MTSU (ret.), LERA NCAC Chair

Past Webinars

April 23rd, 12 - 1 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Policy Forum

“COVID-19 Crisis Calls from Government, Industry, and Labor”

The COVID-19 crisis could be a turning point for our labor relations system, if we seize the moment. Join Cathy Feingold (AFL-CIO and ITUC), Alan Wild (HR Policy and (former) IBM), Wilma Liebman (former NLRB), Tom Kochan (MIT) and Sandy Jacoby (UCLA), moderated by Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld (Brandeis), who will discuss the demands this crisis is placing on labor, management and government, and how it presents an opportunity to come out stronger.


Moderator: Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld (Brandeis University)

LERA Labor and Employment Law Interest Group

"Dealing with COVID-19 Issues in the Workplace: Jobs, Safety, Pay, Benefits and More"


Moderator: Lynn Rhinehart (Economic Policy Institute)

April 30th, 12 - 1 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Dispute Resolution Interest Group

“Virtual Dispute Resolution During the COVID-19 Pandemic”


Moderator: Mark D. Gough (Penn State University)

Note: This webinar will explore some of the benefits and challenges of conducting mediation, arbitration, and collective bargaining through video conferencing. Speakers will share their experiences in developing and carrying out virtual dispute resolution programs at state and federal government levels and in private practice.

May 7th, 12 - 1 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Health Care Industry Council

"On the Front Lines in the COVID-19 Pandemic"


Moderator: Paul Clark (Penn State University)

May 7th, 1:30 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

Labor Journalism and Media

"Journalists Discuss Covering Work and Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic"


Moderator: Steven Greenhouse (New York Times, retired)

May 14th, 10 - 11 am Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Local Chapter Session -- Midwest Region, organized by the Detroit LERA Local Chapter

“Keeping Your People Engaged Using a Structured OD Approach"


Moderator: Robert Chiaravalli (Strategic Labor and Human Resources, LLC)

May 14th, 12 - 1 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Higher Education Industry Council

(jointly with National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions)

“Higher Ed Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in Responding to COVID-19”



  • Jamie Dangler (UUP)
  • Rebecca Givan (Rutgers)
  • Dale Kapla (Northern Michigan University)
  • Julie Schmid (AAUP)
  • Michael Eagen (U Mass Amherst)

Moderator: William A. Herbert (Hunter College, City University of New York)

May 21st, 12 - 1 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Work and Human Resources Network

“Low Wage and Gig Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic”


Moderators: Tashlin Lakhani (The Ohio State University) and Xiangmin (Helen) Liu (Rutgers University)

May 21st, 1:30 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Industry Councils

"The Meatpacking Industry and COVID-19"


  • Professor Michael Haedicke (Drake University)
  • Sheriff Tony Thompson (Black Hawk County)
  • Professor Cristina Ortiz (U. of Minnesota)
  • Mark Lauritsen (UFCW)
  • Karen Tynan (Ogletree Deakins)
  • Debbie Berkowitz (NELP)

Moderator: Steven Greenhouse (The New York Times, retired)

May 28th, 10 - 11 am Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA International and Comparative Interest Section (International focus)

"Global Governance During Pandemic: Implications of Force Majeure and National Emergency for Worker Rights Protections"


Moderator: Desiree LeClercq (Cornell University, as of Fall 2020)

May 28th, 12 - 1 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Local Chapters Session: Eastern Region, organized by the New Jersey LERA Chapter

"Labor Relations in Times of Pandemic"


Moderator: Jonathan F. Cohen, Esq. (Plosia Cohen LLC)

May 28th, 1:30 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

Construction Industry Council and the Labor Studies and Union Research Interest Group

Building America Safely: COVID-19 and the Construction Industry


  • Dale Belman (Michigan State University)
  • Chris Cain (Center for Construction Research and Training)
  • Dan Allen (Construction Industry Service Corporation)
  • Mike Crawford (National Electrical Contractors Association, Michigan Chapter)
  • Neil Parish (National Electrical Contractors Association, Michigan Chapter)

Moderator: Robert Bruno (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

June 4th, 10 - 11 am Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA International and Comparative Interest Section

“Implications of COVID-19 for Workers: International Comparisons of Government, Employer and Union Policies and Practices”


Moderator: Janice Bellace (University of Pennsylvania)

Note: Fang will cover China; Greg will cover Australia; Virginia will cover Germany; Harry will cover USA.

June 4th, 2:30 - 3:30 pm Eastern Time (New York Time)

LERA Labor Markets and Economics Interest Section

“Employment and Unemployment During the COVID-19 Pandemic”


Moderator: Peter Berg (Michigan State University)